Saturday, February 4, 2012

There is a time for grocery shopping.

And apparently, that time isn't ever on a Saturday, and it definitely isn't on the Saturday before Super Bowl.

Aside from the money it costs, I enjoy grocery shopping. At the end of each week, E and I sit down to decide what the next week's menu is going to look like. After the menu is set, I (sometimes we) venture out to gather the supplies. It took a little bit to figure out which grocery stores we liked best and which ones are cheaper - two details that coincide with each other - and today, I headed out to two of our favorite spots while the hubby guarded our fortress (a.k.a. played video games).

What I did not know was that my beloved grocery stores were also going to be everyone's favorite spot that day. It didn't click with me at the first store, but as I made my way to my second stop - HyVee - I realized the error of my ways: I had tried to do normal grocery shopping on the Saturday before the biggest American sporting event of the year. What had I done?!?!

It was not pleasant. There were people everywhere, and the "deals" overwhelmed me. I could barely find the things I actually needed through the thick of sale advertisements. And just when things couldn't have gotten more delayed, I made the ultimate mistake.

...I tried to use a coupon for Pepsi on Coke products.

It's all a blur as to how it happened. Everyone was moving so fast. I couldn't differentiate Pepsi's cool blue packaging from the bold red of Coca-Cola. And thankfully, seeing that I was clearly out of my element, the clerk politely honored my coupon as long as I promised to visit customer service and make a swap on my way out.

Learn from my ways, fellow grocery shoppers. Go against the grain and do your shopping another day, and maybe give it a fun nickname. Something like 'Major Grocery Shopping Monday', or 'This-Sure-Beats-Shopping-On-Saturday-Day'.

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