Thursday, February 9, 2012

E proves he can shop.

Let's set the record straight. The title of this post may lead you to believe that E lacks skill in shopping. False. The E man has always been a good shopper, and a recent excursion to my beloved Target led to a dream coming true.

To me, there are two kinds of shopping:  the shopping that a lot of people do when they see something they like and buy it, and the shopping I do - bargain shopping. If you know me, you also know that I won't buy anything unless it's marked down 75%, or if it's 10$ and below. My extremely wise mother, the ultimate shopper, taught me at a young age that garage sales and clearance racks are our friends.

I've tried to impress these philosophies on everyone I know, and one Saturday night, a students became a master. E and I were in Target's shoe section, scavenging the shelves of on-sale shoes looking for a pair of slippers. I made the mistake of walking into the store knowing exactly which pair I wanted, and to my predictable displeasure, they were nowhere to be found. I dreaded admitting to myself that waiting for them to go on sale would bite me in the butt, and just when I was about to settle for a lesser pair, E saved the day. He called my name, and as I turned to look, he was strolling towards me with the slippers. I could barely contain my excitement as he asked, "What about these? They're your size."

I almost screamed when I saw that my husband had found the fancied moccasins, originally $19.99, for $4.98. We left Target a happy couple - me with my cheap, awesome slippers, and him with the new Dark Ascension Magic deck. And two weeks later, E outshone himself with another fantastic bargain display at Kohl's. Gosh, I love that man.

$4.98 has never felt so warm.

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