Saturday, June 9, 2012

The problem with co-dependency.

I thoroughly enjoy being married, and for reasons other than I just really love my husband.

I'm thinkin' it's because I really like feeling needed, and like someone's life kind of depends on me.

Yes, my E is self-sufficient and could survive in our apartment with out me, but let's just believe differently for a sec, alright?

In the last five months of co-dependency bliss, I've found the glitch...when 50% of your existence exists in someone else, things get pretty boring when they're not around.

King Swanson has been in Alabama all week on a business trip - he left at the butt crack of dawn on Monday, and get's back tonight (just wanted to justify my "all week" classification). A lot of people at work ask me what I've been doing with my freedom, and I'm sensing a vibe that they think I'm shackled to my kitchen appliances every night. But instead of starting another conversation about how I truly enjoy cooking for the hubby, etc., I just tell them "nothing." Because that's the truth (and lies are bad).

So here I sit, at the end of a boring week, and I'm honestly a little surprised with myself. Back in my legally single days, E and I would make plans to do things together, and in between those plans and working/sleeping/whatever it is I used to do, I'd do other stuff. Like shopping. Or laying in the sun. Or Pinterest-ing (which I'm over). Or other things.

Peeps, has marriage made me less interesting?

...Probs not - I've never been that fascinating. But I have realized that doing those things without Eric in Kansas's great Johnson County just isn't as fun. I know I'm still high on marriage, but my life gets significantly less cool when I don't have my other half waiting at home for me after spending enough money to keep Target in business for another month.

Something about his 'Why-do-you-like-buying-things-we-don't-need/already-have?' lecture just gets me.

Note: don't read this as my opinion on why married life kicks single life's butt, because I don't have an opinion on that. Rather, a self-reflection on how marriage has changed me and the things I enjoy doing. 

Fun fact of the day:  Johnson County is the second healthiest county in the state of Kansas. ...So, ye-ah, there's that.

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