Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Movember is upon us.

It's about to get real up in hur, folks.

Movember is upon us. In a few short hours, it will officially be November, and in approximately 11 hours, Eric will begin the day with a clean-shave face.

I think I've told you before about his beard-growing abilities. They're basically nothing short of impressive. And this month, those abilities will go unleashed and unshaven in his quest to support the Movember movement and prove his manhood.

...That last part was probably a little dramatic.

Anyways, to prepare all you out there for the next 30 days, this gem of a video from the man of all mans Nick Offerman is just spectacular.

Aw, yeah. Movember is on. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


We carved pumpkins!

We were maybe/most definitely a little too ambitious this year. Since the man discovered Dr. Who months ago, he's been nothing short of obsessed. Because I like to do things that make him happy, I printed off a couple Dr. Who pumpkin carving stencils.

As you'll see, they involved a lot of detail...too much detail. Neither of us will swear by our patience, so I'm a little surprised that I actually completed as much as I did. Eric did not stick with it as long, but whatevs. At least now we know we're just an all-American, jack-o-latern-carving couple.

I would like to say that mine actually did turn out pretty good. High-five, self.

(Eric passed on a final result picture.)

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I had super high hopes for this post. I curled my hair and wore my favorite (only) puffer vest. And it just.didn'

Last night we went to WaterFire, a really cool event along Brush Creek in KC. They had tons of live music, fire pits in the middle of the creek and a gorgeous husky that Eric and I kind of wanted to kidnap.

But back to the "ugh." I was going to take lots of photos of us at this cool event, and I was struggling. I am the furthest thing from mastering my camera, and it showed.

So, I only have three photos that I feel are maybe blog-worthy, and can only be if you close one eye completely and squint with the other...question mark.

But at least I included a picture of thee best barbecue in KC.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Embarrassingly easy dessert/snack

We're not normally dessert eaters unless one of two things happens, the first being we are at the Cheesecake Factory, the second being I totally belly flop on dinner.

Tonight was one of the latter - the turkey burgers were not delicious. At all.

So scrambling for a dessert idea (since I guess wine doesn't count -- what?), I went to this crazy easy/simple/sweet treat. I'm not sure where I learned this recipe. It might have been highschool Spanish class, orrrrrrrr I came up with it in my brain. Maybe...maybe?

- You need cinnamon, sugar, tortillas and some water...and an oven
- Preheat oven to 350
- Mix however much sugar and cinnamon you want
- Spread a little water over the top of the tortilla
- Quarter the tortilla (I use a pizza cutter)
- Dip the watered side in the cinnamon sugar mix
- Place on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until crispy to your liking
- Serve with vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt and save extra "chips" for a snack

Dinner saved.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Well, peeps. I did it!

Actually, I did two things. I crossed off one of my goals and ran the Kansas City half marathon. I'm not going to lie, I'm super proud of myself/kinda feel like I can take on the world.

I think I have a lot of stories and feelings from that day, so I'm going to communicate my experience by categorizing it, because that's how I do.

Best part: Aside from finishing itself, seeing my husband and his parents as I turned the last corner. I was jamming to "I Will Wait" and all I saw was Eric smiling at me and cheering me on. He stepped out onto the course and I ran over and kissed him before beasting (in my mind) the last 300 meters.

Second best part: I mean this in the nicest way possible - passing people as I raced for the finish line. We weren't racing, but I really felt like I was winning.

Worst part: Miles 8-11. They were long, boring, a steady incline and when my back started to really ache. No dice.

Second worst part: Taking too much to drink at the mile 9 aid station. Until and after mile 9, I took one cup of water and one cup of gatorade. But at mile 9, I took two waters and a gatorade. That sloshed around in my stomach for a bit and slowed me down.

Grossest part: My fellow champions might say any spitting I did while running (this is something I always do - get over it), but it was most definitely when Eric and I got in my car to leave and I got a whiff of myself. Was that a wet dog hiding in my car? Nope, just me.

(If you thought of this when I said 'Nope', high-five yourself for me because you are the cat's meow.)

Scariest part: Starting out. I was so paranoid that I would start too fast and crap out immediately. Thankfully, I used my brain and started in a pace group that was slower than my regular pace. After mile 1, I broke away and did my own thing, and the relaxed start was a huge part in being able to run the whole thing.

Tear-worthy moment: Generally, all the people along the course cheering on all the runners. I want to be friends with A-L-L of them. Specifically, this one older woman at mile 9 that told us all she was so proud of us and admired us. I wanted to cry and hug her, but instead smiled, waved and said 'thank you so much' as I ran past.

The "holy-crap-that's-amazing" moment: At mile 11, a parade of policemen on motorcycles came through signaling all runners to get over to the right side of the road. It didn't make sense until I saw they were escorting the marathon leader. The night before, I thought that moment would make me feel sadly pathetic, but it was not that at all. As he passed the rest of us, I couldn't help but clap and cheer for this guy, running double the distance we were in less time. Some humans are amazing.

Best surprise: There were some things working against me that shouldn't have allowed me to not only run the whole thing, but to finish under my time goal. For one, I have a bad knee that had not been holding up well in my training. Another was that in the last 3 weeks before the race, I was sick for two of them and didn't get in ANY of my long runs, which is not cool and made me extremely nervous. Those aside from this being my first race longer than a 5K, not knowing the route and being so nervous I thought I would poop myself were reasons I was terrified sleepless Friday night.

Overall, I loved it. The training for it was not my favorite, but I'm so glad I did this. A lot of people say after you run your first half marathon, you become hooked. I don't know if I am; I think I'd like to do another one, but it's up in the air. I know it's really not that far compared to a marathon or iron man or some other competition for crazy people, but for the past few days, I have felt like a minor league super hero. It's amazing what setting and accomplishing a goal feels like. Me likey.

Also, you have to give me a little credit for sharing this photo. Eric looks schmexy, and I'm a mess of sweat, stank, unflattering clothes and slicked-back hair.

The things I do for this blog. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Laughter, the best medicine.

Today was kind of an off day for me. There are some deadlines at work that I'm waiting on other people for, I'm super scared for the half marathon on Saturday, and I've been busy getting the apartment/other things ready for a weekend with the in-laws.

During my lunch hour, I needed a little pick me up, and I turned to this video. I first saw it a few months ago when we were watching SNL 'The 2010s'. It's pretty much been my humor's greatest joy since.

Watch, enjoy and love.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall [eek]

- Fall smells
- Obsessed with my new rug that I paid <$5 for
- Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
- The best tie-dye I've ever done, for my volleyball league
- FINALLY a pizza that can hold us over until we can have Aurelio's again
- It's understood in this marriage that once fall officially hits, I must make Eric a pumpkin pie (yes, I really mean an entire pie for himself). And anything less than lots of whip cream is purely unacceptable.
- Our colorful complex.

Fall has been good to us so far.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A YouTube cats meow [that we weirdly reenact...kind of often]

So, we've gotten really weird lately. Randomly (on the way back from church, when E gets home from work, 4 minutes ago...), we sometimes break into the Game of Thrones theme song.

Except, it's a version that some guy with too much time auto-tuned his cat's meow. I can't bring myself to record our rendition and share it publicly, but here's our inspiration.

What has happened to us?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Adult cider

Eric is a genius.

After going to Ren Fest and having nothing-short-of-delicious Woodchuck cider, my better half came up with the idea to start making our own hard cider.

Um, yes times a million?

Here we have the beginning phases. If you want to know what he's doing in each step, I can't tell you but I can ask. I know that there's something about adding yeast and then sugar and then pouring cider back into its jug and...yeah. That's all I know. But I took pictures!